Thursday, October 8, 2020

Chapter Four - Hello Baby

Well, it's quite certain that Haruo and River weren't expecting a result out of that romp in the hay but River realized that it probably was imminent when her stomach did the equivalent of two backflips; a front somersault with a twist thrown in for good measure and she had to do the equivalent of the 100m dash for the washroom. No, her stomach was not happy with her in the slightest. assuage her much-abused stomach she decided to go fishing for a while. Maybe the smell...of fish...naw...that probably wasn't a good idea either. At least Bebe joined her for a while and could help her if she felt the need to upchuck off the end of the pier.

She'd geld Haruo for this dare he be so happy and joyful. Why couldn't he give her a hand and puke for her once in a while? Yeah...physically impossible. That's why wives hate their husbands during the early courses of pregnancies...and perhaps the later courses too when they have incessant back-aches, their feet swell and they feel like they're the size of the Goodyear blimp and men don't know when to keep their mouth shut about the fact that their wives still look good to them. As flattering as that may seem, it seems to have the reverse effect in which men are likely to get killed; slowly and painfully.

The non-pregnant and the unable-to-get-pregnant spent their time working on their alchemy skills and science skills respectively. Meanwhile Phil on the other hand was feeling like he was going to upchuck for an entirely different reason.

Rotting vegetables and diapers mixed together will do that for you.

Phil: "Thank you, Captain Obvious!"

Watcher: "Shut up, Phil or I'll make you go binning another ten times."

Franz on the other hand ate his meal (it's been out in the heat for at least a'd think he'd probably get indigestion or food poisoning from it but no. Then he proceeded to build all the special items that he'd been collecting while hunting for gemstones, space-rocks and metals.

Noel had to go take his plasma bugs to the Science Center that had cropped up. He would get at least §30,000 for them. At least he was doing great in bringing in money. When Franz brought in the gemstones, they'd use the Quintessence Co. gem cutter and do-it-yourself metal smelter in order to refine metals and cut gemstones so that they could take it to the elixir shop to consign. And Noel was getting great returns on those cut gemstones.

Tourists were still present in Sunset Valley though, anything that affected the area, had only affected the residents. Tourists remained unaffected by whatever had happened. And despite Noel's enquiries, he was able to get no further into the mystery of where Sunset Valley's residents had gone to.

Haruo spent his time reading his book (Book 3 of the Cooking Skill) so that he could finally master his Cooking Skill and be able to cook for the "family". It also took his mind off the state of River's pregnancy. They had two choices. They could either go with their original plan to build up the town again or put their money into building a home for them so that River would be sheltered from the elements. It was a toss-up. They could do one or the other but not both until they hit over a million simoleons. Right now it would take nearly everything they had to reinforce and extend the deck over the water so that they would have enough room to buld out and make it so that they were able to sleep in a room that wasn't small enough to be considered a cubicle.

Noel was busily irradiating bugs; without their permission - the group wasn't sure if the bugs would have superpowers coming out of the situation or not. But it appeared that this bunch were much hardier than the others as they appeared to resist the radiation bombardment and retain their original forms rather than getting transmuted into plasma bugs of considerable value. C'est la vie.

When Haruo had finally gotten himself off the wet bench and finished reading the Cooking Skill book, thereafter having mastered the Cooking Skill, he went in to create a culinary dish of comparably perfect...

hamburger; a feat worthy of any Michelin five-star chef worth his salt. /sarcasm/ It couldn't have been red-mullet-recipe-squid-pickled-mushrooms?

Then he went on to make Goopy Carbonara.

It was roughly at that point that River happened to go into labour and well let's just say that she was caught by surprise, having nearly dropped the fishing pole in the lake. In fact, Bebe managed to grab the pole before it slipped off the deck. In fact, Bebe told River to get Haruo and head for the hospital. Haruo by this time was thankfully finished cooking as they would rather that their deck not catch fire and end up burning to its stilt foundations.

After a good five hours of labour...(a rather short period of time for the very first child in any case - most usually go 16 hrs - which is an exceedingly long time to be in excruciating pain.) It took at least twice as long for the feeling to return to Haruo's hand.after River nearly dislocated a few his hand...thankfully.

River gave birth to a bouncing baby boy 8lbs 10 oz. which she promptly named Aaron.

Which was better than Haruo's idea at the last contraction which was "Holy Mother of Christ...THAT HURT!"

Watcher: "Not as much as your wife, Haruo."

...and they returned back to their lot via taxi.

Bebe kept fishing, trying not to think about the fact that she wanted kids herself...and well...Noel was unavailable, emotionally...they didn't connect and there was no way she was having kids with Phil...he was wayyyyy too out there for her to even connect with him. Life would be lonely if she couldn't find a compatible mate for herself.

...and there was also competition in the form of Samantha Gray.

...and oblivious to all of this was little baby Aaron.

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