Saturday, October 10, 2020

Chapter Five - A Birthday for Aaron

It appeared as though Noel was making some significant breakthroughs in his science studies and he was very close to mastering the Science Skill. Of course when he wasn't eating he was working on his science experiments including turning moths into plasma bugs by bombarding them with ionizing radiation. This proved to be extremely traumatic for the well as for PETA (or at least would be if they hadn't disappeared as an entity at least around these parts of Sunset Valley).

It was after some serious consultation with the rest of the group that Haruo decided that they needed to build onto the deck their home so that Aaron and River were out of the elements and safe. When all was said and done, they had build a two-storey home on the deck leaving some deck space so that they could fish off the deck. The main floor consisted of a living area; a kitchen and a dining area as well as a washroom. The second floor consisted of the group's bedrooms. None of which would be shared. If they were expanding their families...or at least as River and Haruo had, they would build above that...hoping that their skills at house-building were up to the task of reinforcing the existing foundations to take the weight and not have their entire house sink into the small but deep lake they had constructed.

No-one could tell what it was that Phil was doing. Considering the fact that one of his traits was insane, he got up in the middle of the night, went downstairs and proceeded to try to have a conversation about ethical methods of cooking with the baking oven. The Watcher is not sure if Phil got a response.

River, after playing "horsey" with Haruo that night...guess they were starved of each other's attention, realized that they'd ended up creating "another one" when she got up in the morning and felt like her stomach was is yet another gymnastics competition.

Noel, after cutting gemstones and smelting metal, went over to talk to Clarissa (the consignment store attendant) and consigned the stuff he had just cut an smelted. They had a rather long conversation as Clarissa was keenly interested in Noel. But just hadn't found the right person to take over the reins of the business so that she could become Noel's significant other.

After that Noel came home and nuked a few more bugs.

It was high-time for little Aaron to become a toddler (after all, one night of Aaron's screaming in the crib was enough; now she would contend with a screaming wiggling toddler), so River came downstairs and baked a birthday cake. Then she waited for the others to show up to Aaron's little ad hoc birthday party.

Despite the fact that Bebe was jealous of the fact that River had a great husband and a wonderful little child, she took full part in cheering Aaron on his birthday and subsequent aging up. After all, Bebe was sweet and she didn't hold grudges against people. And she just wanted what her class-mate had managed to get for herself; a loving husband and a child. A career would be the icing on the cake, but that would have to wait until after they resurrected the town back to its original or better condition; this would have to wait until businesses and other things moved in and the town could grow on its own.

Aaron became a cute little green-eyed, red-headed baby with a good mix of features of River and Haruo. He stared up at his mother with a wondering expression...filled with curiosity and admiration for his Mommy and then promptly stuck his finger in his nose...and went digging for gold.

After the parents and their friends celebrated Aaron's birthday by partaking of his cake, River picked him up and promptly put him down in front of the blocks so that he could play. And, of course, just like every toddler including the three that the Watcher raised, proceeded to pick up the block...and stick it into his mouth, gnawing on it with his little immature teeth.

At least the cake was good.

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